Business Name: Farcical Fertility (501c3 non-profit)
Directive: Responsive Web & Mobile, UX, UI, Style Guide, Graphic Design
Purpose: To share funny and edgy stories about struggles with fertility as both a way for women going through these struggles to vent/share and to showcase/build awareness and donations for the organization’s Fertility Grant program.
Website Process: The client desired a modern, user friendly site that would allow her to easily upload stories and photos herself, as well as an e-commerce setup for collecting donations. I chose the silver pink/grey color scheme because I felt that it aligned well with both the content and the target market.
CMS: WordPress
Graphic Design Process: The logo inspirations were feminine, modern, fertility. The round border made up of circles combined with the flowing display/serif font [Angelface] is meant to play upon elements of fertility.
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator